closing reflections on 08 election

...looks like it's done. not a surprise.

the kids are going NUTS outside - hooting and hollering and honking horns. Shawn and I are old fogeys ... he just said "do they really have to make that much racket?"

and this was my choice (obama i mean). i'm not a vocal supporter of anything, and i didn't volunteer or endorse, but i did vote and figure i might as well go on the record as having "chosen" the winner, although it didn't make any difference in New York.

but i feel sorry for the losers. not sorry enough that i wish they'd won, but just ... it sucks to lose. especially when you've worked so hard, and no one can deny that both sides worked ... things just worked out the way they did.

and knowing how disappointed the people i love most are feeling ... makes it bittersweet.

MAN someone has an air horn, now fireworks. i hope they settle down soon... i've got a comet ring to sleep in!

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