Owen on his BIRTH day - Aug. 30, 2004.

Owen's First Birthday - Aug. 30, 2005
Owen's Second Birthday - Aug. 30, 2006

Owen's Third Birthday - Aug. 30, 2007
He's simply the best!
Progressive Christian wife, mama, writer, editor & crocheter blogging from Baton Rouge
Newcomers suddenly realize either that the city is not working for them or that they are inexorably becoming part of it, or both. They find themselves walking and talking faster.
The subway begins to make sense. Patience is whittled away; sarcasm often ensues. New friends are made, routines established, and city life begins to feel like second nature. In other words, newcomers find themselves becoming New Yorkers."
So, we're currently in the midst of a 30-day comment period for a new DHHS "rule [which] empowers federal health officials to pull funding from more than 584,000 hospitals, clinics, health plans, doctors' offices and other entities if they do not accommodate employees who refuse to participate in care they find objectionable on personal, moral or religious grounds," which is to say, abortion.
Except that the bill is also worded so broadly/ambiguously as to "protect pharmacists, doctors, nurses and others from providing birth control pills, Plan B emergency contraception and other forms of contraception, and explicitly allows workers to withhold information about such services and refuse to refer patients elsewhere."
(So, basically, doctors who object to abortion, or to birth control, would be, I guess, "protected" not only from providing this care but also from even referring women to other doctors who would provide them with the kind of medical care they're seeking.)
Aside from the dubious premise — that is, using government money to compel private healthcare providers to respect the right of their own employees to not provide healthcare — there is also the sadly old-news matter of the anti-abortion movement trying to crowd out basic family planning necessities. You'd think, given that contraception and family planning and sex ed are the most effective methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy — and thus abortions — that anti-abortion activists would be more in favor of all that than pro-choicers are. Which leads us yet again to the conclusion that the anti-abortion movement cares less about dead babies than sexual morality.
So anyway. Go to PlannedParenthood.org right now and give them all your money, or some of it, as they work on mounting a challenge to the ruling (and also continue with their work of doing more for women's reproductive health than any other organization in America).
From ACLU:
George W. Bush has launched a new assault on birth control and reproductive freedom.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently proposed regulations that could seriously undermine access to basic reproductive health services -- including birth control and abortion.
Instead of striking a careful balance between individual religious liberty and patients’ access to reproductive health care, the Bush administration has taken patients’ rights and their health care needs out of the equation.
This far-reaching proposal doesn’t need congressional approval. But, it can’t go forward without allowing for public comment. That’s where you come in.
The deadline for public comments is fast approaching -- September 20 - and we have to generate intense opposition to these dangerous regulations.
I just sent HHS my comment urging them to stop efforts to block women's access to basic reproductive health services. You can do the same here:
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John B. Moore |
Turtle Pond in Central Park. |
You may have a back strain or a pinched nerve (especially if there's tingling going down one leg).
Immediately after you feel the pain:
Over the next few days:
Hilarious beyond measure. I was bouncing in my seat and nodding my head at all the tips/reminders. Clip discovered via Affiliate by Night.
Thanks for your interest in silvermari crochet hats . Most of what I make are sized for infants and toddlers, although I can size up and dow...