Shawn reviews the map in the rental car, and I'm so excited to be in the front seat!
We arrived in Virginia Beach at about 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. The flight was
really fast, and it was easy to get the rental car and get on our way. We met up with Shawn's parents at the VB visitor's center and went to eat. After driving around and around looking for a place to eat, we landed at the Waterman's Grill, near our hotel and the setting for the wedding reception. We saw the bride there (she was having a bridal lunch with her girls) and were treated to gorgeous views and sunny, sunny weather.
After lunch with the in-laws, we went to the hotel and were wowed by the view. Kapow!

The Original Walker Family (Dale, Steve and Shawn) and Walker Family 2.0 (Shawn and Mari)
We also walked by the water and sat on a bench. We're thrill seekers, you know. (We did outlast a brief rain shower)

The Walker Men, and Shawn dips his toes in the Atlantic Ocean.

Mari on the Beach, and Three Walkers on a Bench.

After Dale and Steve took off for the Outer Banks for a weekend of fun with Diannia and Donnie, Shawn and I went to the rehearsal at First Landing State Park -- the plan was to get married at the beach overlooking the Chesapeake Bay. The weather was lovely for the rehearsal, and that's where I first met Porter, my weekend crush. (A sweet little 2-yr-old ... I would post his picture, but figure his parents might take issue with it!) I absolutely have baby fever, but it's the most fun fever EVER!
After a great rehearsal and meeting Chris & Jennie's families we went to an outdoor pavilion for a tasty BBQ supper and good times. It made Shawn very nostalgic for camping. Me: not-so-much. We met up with Janette and Zeke, friends from Connecticut whom Shawn also knew when he lived there. They were really great fun, and Janette in particular tried to convince me that we should go camping near Cape Cod in a yert. Uh... We'll see. Then there was an after-rehearsal party that was good times - can't beat the hotel rooms with a view. So great:

On Sunday, Jennie and Gunther's wedding day, it rained. Not just a light drizzle but a DOWNPOUR that continued throughout the day and included gale force winds. So sad,
BUT it is good luck to have rain on your wedding day, despite it's
disputable irony.

After a light lunch at The Raven (with Chris, Zeke and Janette) and some souvenir shopping (for me), we decided to indulge ourselves in some indoor pool and spa time. Unfortunately the spa/hot tub/jacuzzi was extremely over-chlorinated. So much so that after about 15 minutes in it, my lungs were burning, although the hot steamy bubbly water was very relaxing.
The groom, his best man/brother and Zeke decided to be a little crazy. Zeke's words: "You don't come to Virginia Beach without at least getting in the water." That's right - these crazy boys ran out in the pouring rain and jumped in to the freezing Atlantic ocean, then raced back and jumped in the heated pool. I managed to get a few photos - although the rain and my older-technology camera had limited success, you get the picture I hope!

After the pool and showers, Shawn and I made our way to the rain plan restaurant, a mere two blocks away. We had to battle the winds and driving rain, but with a few secret passage ways through our hotel and the hotel next to us, we (and the rest of the guests) made it through relatively unscathed and on time for the brief, romantic ceremony.
Chris and Jennie did a sand ceremony - "as these grains of sand cannot be separated, so will these two people be inseparable." Really touching and gave me the tingles. After the wedding, we really got down to partying. The signature drink, The Orange Crush, was super tasty, and the decorations and favors were so perfect. Our flip-flop favors/place card holders matched to make a pair! And the centerpieces - so lovely. Also, there were candles flickering everywhere. Ah, romance. They did a really great job on all facets of the wedding, including flowers and decorations.

It wouldn't be complete without writing about the food. The appetizers were high class - coconut shrimp, BBQ fish bites, fruit platters, cheese and crackers, bruschetta. And those were just the horse-do-vers! The tables with the appetizers were decorated with the most darling centerpiece - a bouquet of food - broccoli with dyed potato flowers!!! I still think the roses might be sweet potatoes, but they assured me they were dyed white potatoes. And the cake - wow, the cake. It was as yummy as it was beautiful.
One of the best parts of the weekend was the people - being with the happy couple and all their loved ones. We really got along well with Zeke and Janette, who took this picture of Shawn and me dancing. They live in Connecticut, but of course they're moving to Singapore in two weeks.
We definitely need to take dance lessons, but the dancing at the wedding was fun - we jumped around and grooved our hearts out. The rain had ended for the walk home (we opted out of the after-party and went to sleep to the sounds of the ocean). The flight back to NYC was fine, although way too early.
almost wish I were this social every weekend - because I had a really great time.
Pictures are all a part of the
Virginia Beach Weekend May 09 Flickr Set.Edit: Chris = Gunther (we call him by his last name, but need to get in the habit of using Chris instead)
Also, it's Janette (not Jeanette)