Reviews: Fat Girl and First Love

Fat Girl: A True Story Fat Girl: A True Story by Judith Moore

My review

rating: 2 of 5 stars
Short book/memoir. Another story about an overweight child (the last one I read was Moose, about fat camp. I read it with more interest than normal because the girl's parents met in Stillwater, although she never uses the name of the town. She had a horrible childhood with just her mother, who beat her and made her feel terrible for being overweight. I don't really remember if I was an obese child. From photos I don't think so, I just FELT big because I was the oldest in my family. But I was never made to feel fat. And I had a super-solid family life with supportive parents and grandparents who would love me no matter what. So I guess this book caused me to reflect more on my life than on anything that happened in the author's life. Which was maybe the point.

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First Love First Love by Joyce Carol Oates

My review

rating: 2 of 5 stars
Quick read that didn't really make me want to write a review. Definitely great writing, but you wouldn't expect anything less. Some clever switching back and forth from first to second person, which I liked. Not a recommendation, but an easy read that I picked up while browsing the library last week.

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