I've been enjoying the games, and especially the diving this week, but this commentator is my LEAST favorite.
See also: Separated at Voice: JK vs. Al.
Progressive Christian wife, mama, writer, editor & crocheter blogging from Baton Rouge
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Thanks for linking to my blog post (the "the" from "not the only one"). The only issue I have with comparing Cynthia's voice to Nancy Grace (and I admit, their voices are similar) is that there is nothing particularly unique about either lady's voice, except for the fact that both talk a lot and are opinionated and outspoken.
So, having said that, this begs the question: do we really not want to hear southern accents on TV? I'm not being rhetorical or anything, but I think that we're all so used to hearing Californian accents on TV that, when someone with a southern accent is particularly vocal, we revert to labeling the person with the accent as annoying.
I don't think it's the southern accent. I think it's the lack of modulation. Everything either says is on full bore screech level. And the stridency. I know plenty of southerners, male and female, who have well-modulated voices. The drawl or twang isn't a problem.
(And thanks for the link!)
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