Start of National Blog Post Month, and I'm aiming to write a post every day this month. Going to be tough, given the amount of travel I have scheduled, but here goes nothing.
I thought it would be cute to post a picture of me from each birthday, since there are 30 days and on Nov. 26 I'll have had 30 birthdays (or is it 29?) In any case, I don't have photos of all my birthdays. I've posted baby pictures of Shawn but not really any of me that I can recall. So here's me on my first birthday in Frederick, Okla.
November 2010 started with perfect-for-me weather -- cool, cloudy, drizzly. Tonight it's even storming! Only way it could be better is if November started on a Thursday, my favorite day of the week, and if Shawn had been next to me when I woke up! He's at a conference and will be home on Saturday. Not wishing my life away, but I'll be glad when he's home. I used to think living alone was the bees knees, but I've come to rely on his company and calming presence.
Until tomorrow ...
Progressive Christian wife, mama, writer, editor & crocheter blogging from Baton Rouge
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Want to Order a Crochet Hat?
Thanks for your interest in silvermari crochet hats . Most of what I make are sized for infants and toddlers, although I can size up and dow...

Scene: Target checkout line. ~10:50 a.m. Me: Checking my phone to pull up Cartwheel app for a discount (that didn't even apply anyway ...
Having just survived a big road trip with a 25-month-old I thought I'd share a couple successes for keeping her entertained. It was by n...
OMG. I screwed up and missed November 13!
Do you have any idea what was in those presents? I assume this was your 2nd Christmas, all snugly dressed, too cute, a Kodak moment. DAW
What in the woooooooooooorld???
of course it's THIRTY birthdays?
Don't you keep track by the numbers??
And hey, I get some of the significance of the California jaunt all of a sudden.
(recalls other friend turning '30' in California)
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