the grind

my family just left, and it's back to the grind.

Dial 7 Car Service is PHENOMENAL. We had a great experience from the airport when they arrived (including having to change the reservation from LGA to JFK just a few hours before they arrived - talk about stupid re-routing), and then the car and driver were waiting for us downstairs well ahead of schedule. I hope it all works out for them on the trip home and that it's less stressful/long/drawn out than getting here.

i am sad because the apartment is quiet, there is no noggin' on the TV and everything is a mess. there are juice boxes left and a few toy box remnants (mostly packaging)... i am a sucker when he asks me to buy something. i have to do my expense report for the trip and make sure everything balances out.

i just want to crawl in bed and sob a little. but instead i'm "at" work - going through emails and getting things done... such is life.


ps more posts later about the weekend/other activities we did, plus railing against a few things...including Northwest airlines.

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