We made it home and back ... barely. PMS and 12-hour car rides are a deadly combination. Poor Shawn! The trek back was a little easier because it wasn't after a half-day of work, but still. Not sure we'll be doing that again. At least not any time soon!

Being home was great fun though, and I did get to feel a little more relaxed and recognize myself again! I didn't really check e-mail, certainly didn't blog (I'm never going to hit 300 posts this year!) and mainly spent time yakking it up with the family.

Sweet Owen waits to blow out the candles!
Owen's sixth birthday party was on Saturday at the Y swimming pool. It was fun to meet some school chums and see others that I already knew from church. Shawn and I were the only adults that swam, same as last year. We think that's funny because we will take any chance we can get to get in the water!

Church on Sunday was good. That's really going home too. The choir sang "Meet You In the Morning," a song I hadn't heard in years. I am still finding myself humming it and hearing Gran's voice singing her parts. We also had a church dinner, and nothing beats that.

Funniest was that a lot of people said they didn't recognize me. Several people said they saw Shawn and weren't sure who was with him! I got my hair cut off and have lost some weight. It was all meant as complimentary, so a good ego boost!

Now we're back and I've unpacked a good bit. The kitchen is shaping up with all our wedding gifts! I'm going to have to get out my gift record book to remind myself who gave us what now that we're actually able to use them!

More brain power and emotional energy being put into the job ... and a small side opportunity to continue with my social media work ... and I'm just exhausted thinking about it! Maybe more on that later. We'll see.

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