would you rather?

instead of bed bugs i would rather
  • relive summer 2003 and the unbearable heartbreak and pain
  • vomiting - any type of sickness
  • sinus infection
  • pounding head ache (which I also have)
  • go six months without going home ... i might even stretch that to a year this is so miserable
i could continue...

last night we stumbled across a shoot of LIPSTICK JUNGLE! What's UP?! HA.

anyway, we saw Brooke Shields and the girl who plays Victory Ford (Lindsay Price) ... they looked so pretty and made up and YOUNG. Brooke looks way better in person than on TV, I must say. They were filming at The Bitter End (or outside of it). Shawn was all "Where's Nico?" because yeah, I make him watch horrible girly TV. Apparently the show is moving from Wednesdays to Fridays, meaning it will probably be canceled shortly thereafter. It's a REALLY bad show, as in, the main reason I watch it is to make fun of it, but there you go.

Time to close up shop and wrap it up before we go out, get some food and head to the last night in our temporary quarters.

Dear God - please let the exterminators' treatment work and my skin get better. Amen.


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