Children's Sermon: Cross

Cleaned out my purse today and I've got last week's bulletin kicking around. Usually I leave it at the church as part of the recycling program, but occasionally I'll take notes and need to bring it with me. Funny, I never USE the notes for anything and usually throw away/recycle the bulletin myself. Anyway.

The notes I took last week were about the children's sermon. The preacher had all the kids stand up and spread out their arms - they became crosses - physically representing the cross. And he said this posture reminds him of two things:
  1. We're standing up - because we're reaching up to God
  2. If we move our arms - just twist a little - we're going to touch someone.
So, we're standing up to reach up to God and reaching out and we touch others. Thank you for the cross - to remind us to love God and our neighbors.

For what it's worth. ~Mari.

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