I've got my new-ish rolly suitcase (previous one was a victim of the bedbugs) packed to the gills with clothes because I can't decide exactly what to wear and I want options. I've got my heavy laptop in a backpack and a separate pocketbook/purse with items to entertain me during the trip (book, crochet, iPod) and my wallet and tickets. so for a three night stay i've got three bags of stuff. UGH. what's wrong with me? but i guess if i'm the one who's lugging it i can take it. i wish i had a smaller lighter laptop. that would cut out a bag right there. meh.
Church today was amazing. I was so glad I went. The sermon was about John 3:17 - the next verse. Everyone has memorized 3:16 but who knows about "the next verse"? Anyway, it's basically that Jesus came not to condemn people but to SAVE them. And by extrapolation, we should work to save people not condemn them (no saying "you're going to hell" or the like). That's something I love about the UMC - the open hearts, open minds, open doors policy/theme. God loves everyone, including me. Including YOU! Pretty good news, huh?
I rode the 5th Ave bus home again and every time I love it more and more. I like seeing the people/tourists and the different things to do on the avenue (most of which I've never done). So there's something to be said about NYC. (Am actually thinking of changing the name of my blog to something a little more stable)
Before I depart, I will re-cap my sister's visit. She arrived Tuesday and our arrival at LGA was perfectly timed. As I stepped off the bus she was stepping off the plane and we met in the middle at the security check point - literally neither of us had to break stride. It was amazing. Taxi home and then out to a Mexican restaurant on St. Paddy's Day (you wouldn't believe the crowds on Bleecker!) ... but we figured margaritas and guac are green, so we did our part.
On Wednesday during work Beth did a little shopping in my neighborhood - the paper store on 18th, H&M and such. She also made it down to Pearl River. Wednesday evening was our big outing and the reason for her trip to NYC... WEST SIDE STORY. I was wrong that half of the dialogue and songs were translated to Spanish. Only two songs and a couple scenes were entirely in Spanish and for the most part I could keep up. Like I said before I was still stressed about work (and continue to be - this is the least fun weekend of the year!) but she was SO happy. Before the show she bought a "Sharks" t-shirt, which was good because they sold out! And on the way out she picked up a poster (which I got in the mail to her yesterday, among my many errands).
When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way
From your first cigarette to your last dying day!
I want to live in America
I want to be in America!!!
Unfortunately "I Feel Pretty" was in Spanish - so that was a bummer. Otherwise the show was awesome. I LOVED the costumes and the singing and the story (I hadn't watched it since high school, although it's a movie Beth watches regularly). The only REAL bummer was how much we were gouged for our tickets. Basically we paid almost triple the face value, but there was no other way to see the show (sold out) even thought I bought the tickets WELL in advance. It was the day before opening night/the last of the previews. I still think it was worth it and Beth does too.
On Thursday afternoon we did a bit of shopping - Grand Central train store to get a "4" train for Owen's set, Sephora to look for Barbie makeup (they didn't have exactly what we want so I'll order online for her birthday in July), then to B&H Photo, where she got a new camera. Then we had a break and a coffee and went back to my neighborhood. Originally we were going to take the subway out to the ocean, but somehow we decided not to do that. We ordered Chinese food (pretty yummy) and then went for a drink at a Karaoke bar and got sort-of hit on (if having a guy sit on your lap and touch your arm counts as being hit on). We didn't last long there and came home and crashed. Then Friday morning she was back in the air on the way home. A too quick trip that was too filled with WORK!
Time to get going. Fingers crossed that I get through this ordeal with my sanity and that my heart can be filled with kindness and calmness. HA!
Progressive Christian wife, mama, writer, editor & crocheter blogging from Baton Rouge
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