However, when I have a thought, see something cool or whatever - I'll fire off a tweet. But I don't use it so much to converse (I don't know a lot of people who use the service, although the whole point is to meet new people and I don't have qualms about writing/communicating to other twitter-peeps, but I just don't take the time I guess).
Sat in on my first beneficial free webinar (have been to some good paid ones, but the free ones are usually just commercials for the sponsors or otherwise too basic). It was some good stuff. Not sure how I'll be able to implement in my work or if I'll find the time to even bring it up, but there you go. (I also sat in on a not-so-beneficial free webinar today - mostly it was background noise while I continued to work.)
But the webinar is why I have been thinking about twitter I guess.
Two crochet projects:

This is 1/2 of the two blankets I'm making for my grad school friend's twins. This one took forever because of the yarn I chose. And the second blanket will be equally laborious - but too cute, right? The second one will be mostly yellow with small green stripes. We'll see if I can get the second one done before the babies arrive!

This is the bottom of my first attempt at an ABC blanket for my childhood friend's first baby - and I'm going to rip it out and start again because of the wonky corners - I started dropping stitches from the edges - on both sides (even though the left is a little better) - because I'm out of practice in single crochet. Blimey! But this didn't take too long and I want it to be right. Adding the purple on the boxes around the letters is darling, but it makes a TON of ends to weave in ... but I think I'm still going to do it in my second try. I've made this blanket once before, and it took me three first tries to get it right. Hopefully two is a charm for this version. And it's going to be SUPER darling when I'm done.
[I used Picnic on Flickr to edit that second photo ... first time, and it was really great/easy - although of course all I needed to do was crop, but what a great option to not have to crop offline and then re-load/replace a picture once you see it online and see something (like your feet) in the picture]
On my sidebar here I've got shared items from my Google reader. But I am toying with the idea of re-using that content into blog entries ... since I usually make a [snarky] comment about whatever item I'm sharing.
How about these:
- Can Blogging Make You Happier? | World of Psychology
"Blogging makes me happier, I think." - Upstate NY Restaurant Examiner: Sonic Drive-Ins finally pull into New York
“OMG OMG OMG - although not like I can get to Ulster County New York... OMG though. OMG - sonic taking over the wooooooooooooooooooorld!” - The Voice - The Man Who Lets the Bedbugs Bite -
“UGH UGH UGH... "Some bugs were recently collected here in New York, and a journal article reported that they were 300 times more resistant than other bed bugs to one of the common insecticides." OMG!”
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