Fitness Follies

A high school friend is some kind of online personal fitness coach now. I think it's great, but her posts on Facebook crack me up. She's started posting mini clips of her workouts -- as motivation and incentive (for herself? others?) to stay on track. She has perfect form, is cute and small -- so I'm not laughing AT her or even really that she's putting herself out there. I think I laugh mostly at the idea by extension: What if I started doing that? How many laughs could I get? A whole humor blog of mini clips of me huffing and puffing my way through exercises. That is terrible, and I'm sorry but I had to laugh it out.

Fitness Blender is the bomb dot com if you're into fitness videos you can do at home -- maybe during the snowstorm set to hit the Northeast this week. I've been using the site a lot. I love their all-in-one videos and have also started "blending" my own with the shorter workouts plus warm up and cool down videos. Jane loves Kelli and Daniel, the instructors.

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