Pre-Florida Pics

Birthday Cards

My birthday cards lined up. I think the purple theme always works well! Also can see a bit of the pencil drawing I ordered from my wedding portrait. Love it, but I need a new frame. Nerts. 

 shawn stripey shirt

A random one of Shawn because I think he’s so cute!

two cents

I took this one when two cents were randomly on my desk. I thought it would be good for an opinion post. Maybe I’ll re-use it on a post about what I think about the Hilton … or not.

Molto Mario

This is a jar of pasta sauce. I found it at Gristede’s before we left. I hadn’t bought groceries, but we knew we needed to eat in. It was expensive ($8 or 9) but very tasty. And since we would never afford Babbo (the restaurant he owns literally in our neighborhood), this is the closest we’ll come! And at home we eat whole wheat pasta for extra protein and chewy goodness.

These are just some photos I have kicking around, had meant to blog and now that I’m doomed to no Internet connection in my effective bedroom (until we’re home tomorrow that is!) I have time and inclination to review my photos and other blog ideas without the distraction of the Internet and my RSS reader. Imagine that!

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Want to Order a Crochet Hat?

Thanks for your interest in silvermari crochet hats . Most of what I make are sized for infants and toddlers, although I can size up and dow...