Nearing a G

I'm just a few posts away from my 1,000th. If I were writing as I have in the past I'd be closing in on 1,500 by now. But such is (my) life.

I traveled to Galveston for work this week -- the FOURTH time to that city (?) in less than a year of work for this company. Things could always be worse, and I made it back safe and sound enough. I didn't take a single picture -- of my feet, the beach or my feet on the beach. Has the blogger bug left me?

I've been reading a lot but not cataloging for Good Reads. Whoops. I'm also watching a lot of house hunting and renovation shows. DIY has become a new favorite channel.

Because I've been spending my evenings on HGTV/DIY and some books I've fallen behind on my DVR. I have hours and hours of USA/TNT TV shows, plus Friday Night Lights, to catch up on. I have a feeling it is a futile effort though.

First world problems for real.

Someone ...

is on his way to seeing his Auntie M!!!

Nothing like an impromptu trip to coincide w/ a work trip Shawn will be taking Sat-Sat. AMLBO and it's only a few hours until he'll be getting squeezed!!!

Want to Order a Crochet Hat?

Thanks for your interest in silvermari crochet hats . Most of what I make are sized for infants and toddlers, although I can size up and dow...