
Getting started with a blog at a Women and the Media conference. So far today I've been in a session about Making the Media Work for Your Organization plus hearing Jill Nelson speak. So far it's been a pretty good day. Last night was Medea Benjamin. I'll probably write more specifics, condense my notes and practice my information/presentation for women in the media class next Tuesday.

This session, How to Build a Blog in 90 Minutes IS having us make a blog, which was unexpected and really cool. It ALSO means we get Internet access, and I could check my e-mail. Good times.

The next session is Housewives, Bitches and Swans: Feminism in Pop Culture. TOO COOL, huh? I'm really hoping that will be cool.

Well everyone is catching up with me so I'd better continue and get in gear so I don't get left behind.


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Thanks for your interest in silvermari crochet hats . Most of what I make are sized for infants and toddlers, although I can size up and dow...