- The Glades -- a new show on A&E (I think?) -- uses a blood orange and a knife in its ads. First saw it on a telephone booth near our apartment. All I could think was "rip off of Dexter." I don't know anymore about the show, although I am slightly intrigued. BUT I'm doing my best to not get sucked into new shows and cut back on TV watching ... I fail miserably.
- Speaking of Dexter, how weird is it that Michael C. Hall's voice is on those Dodge commercials advertising for minivans? Creepy. And I think he drives a Dodge minivan in the last season. In any case I am looking forward to the new season, and we'll probably have to fork over the dough for Showtime at our new place. So much for the vow of less TV.
- BUT once we move and have a separate bedroom Shawn can have his wish -- no TV in the bedroom!
- I'm watching America: The Story of Us on History. I recorded the marathon yesterday and watched all of it (faster w/o commercials). Now the last episode is on. I like it OK and think it's pretty good for an overview of our history BUT I hate the Bank of America advertorials sandwiched between. They use similar filming techniques and interview styles and seem like straight propaganda about how great banks are and always have been. Sure, banks are central to America BUT the commercials make it sound like B of A just gives away gobs of money to good causes -- including some that were CLEARLY business deals that turned out in everyone's favor (investing in public works projects, Hollywood movies, etc.) when you know that the banks made ... well, bank on those deals too. (That's not to diminish the donations banks do make, which I'm sure they do.)
- I want to do a new About this Blog page ... or something. I'm thinking about what this actually is -- a scrapbook of my life. My experiences, some love letters to my husband, a bit of online fodder and things I find and some ruminations on all of the above. It still doesn't have a clear focus beyond ME. And I'm OK with that. We'll see if I do the actual page or update my profile page.
- After NYC I'll have to change the blog name ... at first I thought silvermari & the bayou, and I still like that. But I'm also thinking about silvermari's scraps or scrapbook... doesn't have the same ring to it though. we'll see.
- Tomorrow Owen will be here and I'll be on a mini break from work (am working tomorrow morning to wrap things up before heading to the airport to pick up the fam). Remember when I used to do countdowns online ... publicly post how many sleeps until I'd squeeze a baby? I'm still pretty excited but haven't counted down like that. I'm not completely sure why BUT I'm very much looking forward to the visit.
- I've applied to several jobs in the red stick. Fingers crossed for me and please pray. I know I'm being prepared and that a place will be prepared for me, but my impatience and fear of the unknown aren't doing me any favors in keeping it together. Poor Shawn. I try not to think about it and distract myself. I'm doing what I can and what will be will be ... that kind of thing.
- Today there was no work and Shawn was in Minneapolis for a conference (gone until Saturday night), so I went to TWO movies: Sex and the City 2 at 10 am (better than I expected ... and I didn't expect much) and Solitary Man at 3:20 pm (MUCH worse than I expected, although I do like Jenna Fischer).
- Aside: I know I make Shawn watch too much TV when he saw an ad for that movie and he said "Pam is in a new movie." And I knew exactly who he meant!
Progressive Christian wife, mama, writer, editor & crocheter blogging from Baton Rouge
Quick Thoughts
I think of things I want to document, gripe about and mention. Then I fail to do so. Usually it's because it's a passing thought, and other times it just doesn't seem enough to do a post on. This is a brain dump.
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