
i should be better about titling my posts. meh.

am waiting for shawn to get home from his trip. it's rainy outside. basketball on tv - background noise i guess. m-e-h.

read this blog post (Blog Post Ideas that Always Generate Buzz on and i like this recommendation especially for a blog post idea:
33. Do a Twitter search for tweets on a particular subject - display them together on your blog (compile in photoshop). Create bullet points of trends you notice at the bottom of the post.
Hrm. what would be my twitter search? wow - some interesting stuff on crochet - a way to find fellow twitter crocheters. (your results will vary when you click through) I don't think I've ever tweeted about crochet. What do I tweet? NONSENSE and a bit of retweeting things I find of interest. Egads.


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