NaBloPoMo 2015

NaBloPoMo November 2015Sliding into my favorite month -- end of Daylight Savings time gave me a leisurely morning. It's rainy and grey, my favorite kind of day. I know the month won't always be or feel this good, but right now I'm OK.

Today was All Saints Day, and our church lit candles and rang a bell after the name of each person who had died this year was spoken. I was crying, thinking about Gran and wanting to see the candle for her and hear her name spoken. I miss her deeply and at times acutely. I've dreamed about her two nights in a row. It's nice and also heart-shattering to dream those dreams since I have to wake up.

On a totally different note, I got a new phone, so I'll be able to take photos on the go. I don't have a data plan so any posting will have to wait until wifi. I had a lot of pride in still having a flip phone in 2015, but the phone I had didn't hold its charge anymore, and I was getting jealous of Shawn's smartphone. Maybe an early birthday present, maybe just an understandable expense. I'm still transferring contacts (manually!) and learning the phone. It's an Android but not the latest model. We're still doing the GoPhone plan, so nothing too extravagant. But I know this is just a step toward a full-blown phone plan...

I am committing to writing a blog post every day this month. I can't promise GOOD writing or even INTERESTING content, but it will be here. I have a list of blog post ideas, and hopefully I can write them all over the next 30 days. I haven't written in ages, hamstrung a bit by the idea of local people looking for crochet projects would instead find me ranting about Sunday school or Baton Rouge traffic or Louisiana politics.

And just in case - here's a picture of the latest crochet hat order I made: panda, frog, snowflake, baby reindeer and fox.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

I love that you are still doing this. I got invited to the novel writing version of NABLOPOMO. It was OCT 31, 10:00 PM to NOV 1, 2:00 a.m. At the stroke of midnight they started working on their novels. It was held at an art gallery/studio and some published authors came to offer advise. I passed. Too late for me.

Want to Order a Crochet Hat?

Thanks for your interest in silvermari crochet hats . Most of what I make are sized for infants and toddlers, although I can size up and dow...