
I'm not a very good at making resolutions. Or maybe I'm not good at sticking to them.

Read more?

Write more?

Eat less?

Exercise more?

Crochet more? (Ha.)

Go to work?

Organize things?

Get less angry/irritated/crabby?

I did make my 2014 resolution of not buying magazines (although not really because of all my subscriptions!). But otherwise I don't even remember what I resolved. I wrote 130 posts last year, which was less than the year before and the year before. 2011 was my lowest year, mainly because I did not blog about my pregnancy and that was all I wanted to talk about that year (plus morning sickness).

I don't have a "one word" for this year. I think I did that before too. (Probably "BABY" for 2012) Maybe CONTENT. Be happy with what I have without jealously coveting MORE, other people's stuff and successes, etc. Oh and it can work doubly if I read it as "content" -- producing good work through writing, editing, etc.

Typing this on my new bluetooth keyboard that was a Christmas present. Maybe having an additional way to easily blog will set my writing habit on fire? (Maybe not.)

Happy New Year 2015. Bring it.

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