Berlin with Baby: Guesthouse

Note: This series, Berlin with Baby, is being written in real time to be published upon our return to the United States.

August 7 -- We’re staying in a guesthouse rather than a hotel, and it’s AMAZING. We have a small kitchen, a sitting room for playing and PRIVACY. No one cares if I stay in the apartment all day long if I want. I don’t have to arrange my schedule around housekeeping (first world travel problems, right?). I definitely think this is the way to go for family travel.

We also have access to laundry, which seems cheaper than at hostels or a laundromat – plus it’s right across the hall from our apartment!

The only bummer is that there's no bathtub for Jane, so she's had to survive showers with Mama. If we'd known we could have brought a small blow up tub to put in the floor of the shower. I haven't seen anything like that for sale around here though. None of the sinks are big enough either. She'd rather be dirty anyway ... 


Affiliate link used for tub.

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