Just My Luck

I just opened a 7-Up (clear liquids and no caffeine ... antibiotics ... you get the picture. if not, e-mail me) - and it spewed all over my keyboard and lap. Geez louise!

Anyway, I should be feeling better in 24 hours. Fingers crossed. I actually feel 100% better than I did when racing back from the doctor's office. For the love.

Other problems I'm having - a sty on my left eye and a cut in my nose, which has morphed into a zit on the outside. To get the picture: I said "see you later, alligator" and Shawn replied with: "after a while, rhinoceros" - nice, right? I also have a mark by my mouth ... Just in time for Kim's wedding - which should be great. We're going to Florida on Friday night - back on Sunday. Hopefully I'll have loads of pictures to share and experiences to write.

Am going to lie down and hope all my issues get resolved before Friday!

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