
Design for Mankind, a stunning and inspiring blog, has just started publishing Mankind Mag, which I discovered ... via another blog that I read, uncertain which! Anyway, the mag includes 101 ideas to have a creative July. Some were doable (I moo'ed) and some were not (I don't have a way to walk through an attic in July!)... But the one I got out my notebook and wrote down was "Journal 83 things you love about July, and 83 things you hate about it." (those were two separate things) ... try as I might, I can't come up with 83 things I love about this sticky month... but here's as many as i could muster:
  1. My sister's birthday!!!
  2. swimming pools
  3. frigid air conditioning
  4. painted toe nails
  5. ice cream
  6. movie theaters - relief from the heat
  7. ice cold diet coke
  8. fireworks, generally
  9. BBQs/general 4th of July celebrations
  10. patriotic crochet
  11. watermelon
  12. seed spitting contests
  13. the hum of lawn mowers (not that i hear that here!)
  14. warm sand
  15. whir of the AC
  16. shade trees
  17. sunglasses - big like Jackie O
  18. sparklers, specifically
  19. soft, fluffy beach towels
  20. summer white sales!
  21. cute clothes -- on others :)
  22. more time to read
  23. more time to blog
  24. shorter haircuts
  25. ponytails seem appropriate
  26. hawaiian shaved ices
  27. with cream!
  28. street festivals in NYC
  29. summer reading club! (wait that's june, but i think it's july here in NYC)
  30. visits from family - Owen takes Manhattan!
  31. concerts in the park
  32. popsicles
  33. Broadway play discounts from NYU
  34. outdoor cafes
  35. flowers on display in bodegas - temptation!!!
  36. funnel cakes at street festivals
  37. kids playing in the parks - they're so happy
  38. sprinklers and slip-n-slides (back in the day at least)
  39. thunderstorms - the louder the better
  40. making lists of fun things to do in Manhattan with the fam
  41. going to the gym to work out in a/c'ed rooms
  42. the number seven in the seventh month!
  43. New York State joined the Union July 26, 1788
  44. Pi Approximation Day is the same day as Beth's B'day (22/7 is approximately equal to π)
  45. Ice Cold Water - guzzle guzzle
  46. iced coffee
  47. a trip to the beach
  48. the rolling waves, that i can actually hear on this trip
The things I dislike/hate about July could go on forever... But I won't.


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Want to Order a Crochet Hat?

Thanks for your interest in silvermari crochet hats . Most of what I make are sized for infants and toddlers, although I can size up and dow...