Anti Social

I don't like my last post.

I don't like it at all.

It shows my insecurities -- about clothes/style, about my baby compared to others, etc. etc.

But I'll leave it up there anyway -- there is a cute baby pic on there after all.


My job's email switched to gmail around the time I came back from maternity leave, and a little bit later they turned on gchat. Ugh.

There is a way to look at email and sign out of chat, so I do that mostly if I'm looking at email online. It isn't like a lot of people are messaging me or dying to talk to me. It's just that it never fails that I'll be in the middle of something and whammo! A drawn out IM session -- about work or otherwise.

I'm almost never signed into chat on my own gmail, and I think I've had one Facebook chat conversation. And that was accidental -- somehow settings got reset and I wasn't invisible on that chat anymore.

I think it's indicative of my anti-social behavior? Except online chat is sort of anti-social ... in that you're not ACTUALLY talking to the person.

I used to love AOL Instant Messenger. In fact, I think I have some chats saved on my eMachine's hard drive (its screen eventually gave out and I didn't know nothing about backing up back then!).

AND YET, I love to chat with my sister when we webcam. Sometimes I can type things better than our connection will allow by voice. I'm a fast typist too.

Totally insignificant, I know. But it's been on my mind.


You want to read how many books?
CHEESE! (I imagine we'll have many more photos with this face as she learns to pose)


Sydney said...

Raising a reader! Have you filled out her reading log and gotten all her summer reading program prizes?

Sydney said...

Raising a reader! Have you filled out her reading log and gotten all her summer reading program prizes?

Want to Order a Crochet Hat?

Thanks for your interest in silvermari crochet hats . Most of what I make are sized for infants and toddlers, although I can size up and dow...