valentine's flowers

Almost a month later and I finally get around to posting them. In a few more weeks I should have some more images to post -- I've crocheted something that I want to display AFTER I give it to the recipient. Right now I'm working on crocheting a lining for my granny cart. Will post images of that when I'm finished too.

Not sure WHY I haven't been updating. I haven't sent a proper update since early January. There's plenty to say... I just don't know. I intend to try to do updates again, say maybe once a month at least... I've got to start though. So we'll see.


PS The flowers are from Shawn. :) They were delivered with the wrong card: "Hey baby, I wish I were there to deliver these personnelly. I have much love in my heart for you." The girls at work thought I was a horrible person for laughing -- but I KNEW my PhD-to-be wouldn't write like that... Moo haha!

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Want to Order a Crochet Hat?

Thanks for your interest in silvermari crochet hats . Most of what I make are sized for infants and toddlers, although I can size up and dow...